Successful Simplicity

Insight and something worth considering from a good friend , fellow writer and in many ways a mentor who makes a difference.

Digging Out

So fellow travelers, Winter Storm Harper has me spending this extended weekend digging out in more ways than shoveling snow. “Pixie Dust ?” Really, Mike Seidel? Because S*N*O*W by any other name is still a four letter word which needs to be repeatedly shoveled. When I sat down to write my end of the year …


So fellow travelers, 2018 draws to a close and time spent sorting through photos has me reflecting on the vast expanse of experiences this year brought. Sunrise in the High Desert For all the darkness of the low points which framed the first half of the year, I am beginning to glean the significance of …

From a Distance

So fellow travelers, out walking with my dog late yesterday afternoon I caught glimpse of a certain kind of light~ Sure enough, after walking a bit farther down the street I found it’s source Look closer, see it? The setting sun, casting rose gold across the world Sad news of a tough loss had arrived …

Christmas Snow

So fellow travelers, we woke this morning in a beautiful Chrismas Card world Soft angel kisses Falling gently from the sky Blesséd Christmas snow Gratitude always for the simple gift of Light and the presence of Love which surrounds us all. Be you gathered together or in simple solitude, be it for the day or …

The Miracle of Light

So fellow travelers, it has been a busy weekend filled with the final rounds of preparations for Christmas. In a little while we will visit some dear friends to share a meal and relish the laughter of excited children. Tomorrow we will chat via video or phone with family we hold far closer in our …

Morning Star

So fellow travelers, Venus has reclaimed her status as the “morning star.” Venus at  06.35am 12.20.2018  Ancient Greeks recognized certain heavenly bodies moved through the sky unlike the stars which had fixed positions. They named them planan which means “wanderer.” Gazing up at bright Venus early this morning, my heart filled with gratitude, knowing my …

Winter in Whiskey Hollow

So fellow travelers, the transition from Autumn to Winter has been grey, damp and chilly here in Central New York. Slight differences in temperatures determine whether it’s raining or snowing . Thick mats of wet leaves create slick patches almost as treacherous as ice. The sun is obscured by dense clouds for days at a …

As the Crow Flies

So fellow travelers,  the other morning, while refilling the bird feeders in my yard, I heard crows calling back and forth from the tall pine trees in a neighbor’s yard. The raucous uproar was probably an alert that breakfast was being served. The sound immediately brought me back to the residential neighborhood where my family …