
So fellow travelers, Christmas morning dawns today with radiant Light Although our kids will not be with us this year, I am profoundly happy they are celebrating together in PDX and we will open presents with them via Skype later today. And I am deeply grateful to be at my parents’ home for Christmas this …

Deborah H Rahalski

First Light

So fellow travelers, I woke early on the morning of the Winter Solstice to watch the sunrise and witnessed a beautiful cascade of changing colors. The waning crescent moon seemed to smile as darkness gently gave way to light. This first day of winter, marking the return of Light. Moon smiles morning blush First Light …

Deborah H Rahalski

Home Away from Home

So fellow travelers, this weekend brought a much needed road trip through beautiful snow kissed valleys and mountains and, more essentially, some greatly appreciated time with several good friends . Which is why my favorites views on this trip were actually from two different windows Sunrise at the Quarry Morning at the foot of Mt …

Deborah H Rahalski

The Hole in the Sky

So fellow travelers, as so often is the way of this world a wave of busyness took over almost every spare moment of the past three weeks.  The irony of this following my last post was not lost on me. I was acutely aware, even a bit distressed, about not taking time to continue writing …

Deborah H Rahalski

November Zen

So fellow travelers, as Michelle #GratitudeWeek2019 continues the prompt for today is to think about what (or who) we might take for granted. What came to mind was time.  What came to mind was……. time…… Today I had a dentist appointment and even though I ended up having a filling repaired I felt grateful. Because …

Deborah H Rahalski


So fellow travelers, todays #GratitudeWeek2019 prompt from Michelle GD was to slow down and practice noticing what she calls “the tiny moments.” This is something I have become more attuned to since my Spirit of Sixty Road Trip, two summers back. Actually, it is a habit I feel I am really reclaiming because I remember …

Deborah H Rahalski

Reclaiming Perspective

So fellow travelers, this journey has taken some wild and strange turns since we crossed through the equinox point.  It has left me  too stunned for words, a state those who know me will claim is a true rarity. Week after week I sat down on Sunday morning to write and nothing evolved. To be …

Deborah H Rahalski

Balance Point

So fellow travelers, today is the equinox (autumnal for northern hemisphere and spring/vernal for southern hemisphere travelers) I greeted the semi annual balance point of day and night hours from a different vantage point this year. A high desert sunrise more than makes up for anything it lacks in colorful foliage. My time here has …

Deborah H Rahalski

Orion’s Return

So fellow travelers, a few weeks ago I received a reminder from Earth Sky (an astronomy news site I subscribe to) that Orion will be returning to the evening sky. Orion is the hero of our dark winter skies, shining valiantly through the bittercold nights which seem to last an eternity. His reappearance is my …

Deborah H Rahalski

Haiku for Autumn

So fellow travelers, this new school year began with so many changes, it’s taken me quite a while to settle into a comfortable routine. Just yesterday, signs of the changing seasons began to nudge at the edge of my awareness~ I noticed darkness lingers longer after I rise and sunset’s glow comes soon after our …

Deborah H Rahalski