So fellow travelers, returning home from the Verdi road trip I received an enthusiastic greeting from my devoted trail companion Ms Delilah Granted I am blessed to be greeted in a similar manner when I come in from a trip to the grocery store. A greeting shorter in duration with less yapping perhaps, but just …
Kateri’s Wisdom
So fellow travelers, setting the dial on the way back machine (any Rocky and Bullwinkle fans still out there?) we find ourselves on the road home the morning after the glorious Verdi experience. Bennington Community Art Center I’ve grown fond of the quiet college town of Bennington and it’s little sister North Bennington, home now …
Hell Fire and Brimstone
So fellow travelers, hello from the depths of Joshua Tree National Park where an early morning walk brought me to this impressive view. Look closely. To get a true sense of scale, I stepped back to include the little bench on the trail. When I arrived last night the desert sky was mind boggling mass …
Make a Joyful Noise
So fellow travelers, navigating major highways in heavy rain requires a kind of intense focus which you don’t realize is exhausting until you arrive at your destination. It’s an apt metaphor for the level of focus and energy my job has required for several weeks now. Often at the end of the day I arrive …
Birds Before Bennington
So fellow travelers, this weekend’s road trip planned so many weeks ago evolved into something much more than expected. As I prepared for the concert road trip, birding reports of returning migrants long delayed by April’s record setting cold began showing up in my messages. Even though I did not register to bird for this …
Verdi in the Woods
So fellow travelers, cool overcast conditions have not dampened the enthusiasm of songbirds this morning. Sipping tea at the kitchen table of a favorite AirBnB I’m focused on the serenade echoing from the woods behind the cottage. It’s a glorious chorus of melodic phrases, punctuated by bright chirps and an occasional bass riff by a …
Seismic Shifts
So fellow travelers, five weeks to go in the final stretch of this school year. Like marathon runners “hitting the wall” going into the last quarter of the run, our team is digging deep to find the energy and willpower to see this through. Resources depleted, we keep each other refueled and focused as best …
So fellow travelers, on the road this weekend again and I’m struck by the picturesque contrast of bright spring greens against stark hillsides. Persistent rain and swaths of fog veiled the views in light too flat for decent photos but I did catch one image at a rest stop on the way to Philly for …
Distant Light
So fellow travelers, much of what has come when writing has been a litany of complaints. Cold, wet weather. Heavy grey skies. A dismal monotony of ongoing stress. Nothing to post because doing so would validate the dreadful waste of precious time my days at work have become. Being required to attend yet do nothing …
Art Class
So fellow travelers, making space in my days for creative time has become an essential element in my practice of stress management. There are other aspects in my plan including trail walks (weather permitting, which it has not for far too long into what should be Spring), yoga, meditation, and periodic end of the week …