Window in the Sky

So fellow travelers, Zen moment framed by the trees at sunrise this morning. Yeah, I am up and out with our dog that early. Window in the sky First light bird songs remind us Seek another way At any given moment we can make a choice to respond differently. A slight shift in perspective can …


So fellow travelers, challenges at work are on the rise right now. Mindful of the toll stress took on my physical, mental and emotional well being last school year, I’m striving to counter act it’s effects proactively. During my recovery this summer, I learned how significant simple moments can be and how important it is …

Zen moment : Glimmers

So fellow travelers, November is living up to it’s reputation as a cold, grey month. The slightest hint of sunlight sends me dashing outside to capture what Light I can. A break in the clouds Leaves hold a golden moment Hope infused our hearts When we catch a brief glimmer of hope, we must dare …

the middle way

Kathy has captured emotions I am reaching for deeply right now. This year’s transition of seasons is filled wth emotions for me as I have struggled to find meaning in some choices happening around me. Her words and the beautiful images she shared are a gift.


So fellow travelers, it’s November and suddenly our luxuriously warm and unseasonable weather has flown off with the migrating geese leaving behind chilly winds and rain.   My mood this week mirrors the grey skies viewed from my car as I wait for my morning coffee on my way to work. Being a long distance mom …

Love Revealed

via Daily Prompt: Mystery So fellow travelers, the blog prompt from WordPress today is Mystery   Suddenly it’s clear What was hidden now revealed Love was always here   Is there anything more mysterious than the power of love?       Walk gently on the path my friends and may adventure find you ready. …

Autumn Zinnias

via Daily Prompt: Gratitude So fellow travelers, today’s blog prompt from WordPress is Gratitude. With a forecast for heavy winds, rain and plummeting temps I knew the flowers still lingering in my garden were better cut and brought inside to enjoy than left to the elements.     Gratitude today Is gathering zinnias So late …

Zen Moment : Milkweed

via Daily Prompt: Surreal So fellow travelers, the WordPress blog prompt for today is the word “surreal.”   One experience from a few days ago immediately came to mind, as did several images I’ve captured recently. There is something about the way light can transform an ordinary object, like a milkweed plant so it generates …

Zen Moment: Park Bench

So fellow travelers, warm weather continues to linger and I’ll take it in as long as I can. Yesterday a passing front left behind dramatic clouds, promising photo ops worth the drive to the other end of the lakefront park where Delilah and I often walk. It’s not far, but that end of the park …