Finding the sunshine

Gentle mindfulness from a friend who lives there. Her perspective zooms in beyond News to the hearts at the center. May peace come to all affected .

Thoughts on Being Lost.

While I am weaving the threads of images and words from my recent road trip leave it to my friend Tom to find words that set the tone for whats to come.

Road Markers

So fellow travelers, today I stand at the road marker of six decades on this journey of Life. While I’m rarely inclined to make much of milestone ages, I admit approaching this point has felt different. Sunset reflection @ Onondaga Lake  It’s not about getting older, that is after all something we do from the …

In This Spot

So fellow travelers, yesterday was a landmark day. The experience of being at Theodore Roosevelt’s home was deeply moving. It will take some time to find words to give form to my thoughts. In the spirit of TR who was a writer long before he was a conservationist, RoughRider or President, I will let those …

Zen Moment: Small Things

So fellow travelers, today someone made a difference in my day with a simple “thank you.” It came via email, as I was working through an unrelated problem born from a minor misunderstanding. The misunderstanding itself was minor but carried an emotional impact because it is part of a serial communication problem that surfaces periodicially …


So fellow travelers, on a recent camping trip, I spent some time hiking one of my favorite trails near Lake Ontario. Delilah and our camping buddy Sammy hiking the trail a few years ago. This trail is unique because it starts with a handicap accessible loop, a short gravel path through shrubs and new growth …