Living with Volcanoes

So fellow travelers,  many of us feel we are living on shaky ground these days.  It’s unnerving because even if we have not yet been directly affected,  I expect the majority of my readers know someone who already has been. For the past five days I have been working my way through waves of confusion, …


So fellow travelers, now is when we must reach out, stay strong and hold fast to all we value and believe. I am heart broken but I will not be silent. We are better than this outcome. We are stronger than anger, we are smarter than ignorance. We will not give in to darkness. We must …

Mysts of Yesteryear

So fellow travelers, there’s a tree I drive past every morning on my way to work. It stands full and strong, in a wide open field, steadfast in its solitary reign. I never tire of the image as it shifts subtly through the seasons. Some mornings this Tree is my reminder to stand quietly through …

Six decades of love

So fellow travelers, a month ago life threw me a major side track which tipped the balance of my time towards adjustments at work. Writing had to take a backseat although I did amass a portfolio of images and notes which are keeping the creative embers alive in my heart. The tectonic shifts at work …

Poem: Almost Equinox

Farewell Summer, for me means ( as least for a few more year ) good bye to daily writing and spontaneous photo shoots as I head back to work with the high school kids returning to school. Its a frustration I tolerate with decreasing patience each year. For now, this insight on the equinox (or …

Zen moment LilyBud

So fellow travelers, a zen moment from the pond this morning Beauty tightly bound To bloom one must trust let go  and open to Light Walk gently on the path my friends and may adventure find you ready. 

Cotton Candy Promises

So fellow travelers, a haiku in honor of making it through the first day of school. Cotton candy clouds  Morning sky pink with promise A new year begins  Walk gently on the path my friends and may adventure find you ready. 

Zen moment Morning Light

So fellow travelers,  it is the last weekend of summer break. A solar light by my pond captured the rays of early morning sunlight and sang a haiku in rhyme Day dawns golden bright  Hope and promise of first Light Adventure takes flight One more adventure calls. Stay tuned. Walk gently on the path my …