The Last Shall Be First

So fellow travelers, we have arrived back home after a long circuit of family visits for the holidays. Most of the drive was a tense journey on slippery, slushy roads through misty bands of wind driven snow. (God bless my husband for driving.) It felt like a very appropriate metaphor for the stressful twists and …

Deborah H Rahalski

Deborah H Rahalski

Christmas 2017

So fellow travelers, the last of our Candle Night lights has been lit. Christmas Day has come. Beautifully wrapped gifts from my dear friend Lisa. There will be gifts and greetings shared with family near and far. We will linger over hearty meals and hugs. Thanks to the technology  of Skype we will be together …

Deborah H Rahalski

Deborah H Rahalski

Grave Thoughts

So fellow travelers, many years ago I bought my first house, a compact two bedroom cape at the edge of the city I still reside near. One day a few weeks after moving in, I took a walk around the area with my dog and discovered a cemetery about a half mile from my quiet …

Deborah H Rahalski

Zen Moment: Sunset Calls

So fellow travelers, it is sunny and 53° (F)  outside today. It’s also December 3rd. About two weeks ago when a deep plunge in temperatures brought an early round of Lake Effect snow, the garden around the edge of my pond took on an early air of Christmas decor. Today, I spent most of the day …

Deborah H Rahalski

Jack’s Lament

So fellow travelers, early Lake Effect snow has brought a chilling end to a luxuriously warm Autumn. Snow dusted leaves linger in the trees and the last of my wildflowers have turned into frozen mush from the sudden killing frost which preceded the cold front. My porch Jack O Lantern looked a bit mournful when …

Deborah H Rahalski


I’ve come back to read Tom’s piece several times, it is so thoughtful and imbued with significance for my own journey of searching for “home.” HOME has become for me more about the people in my life than a physical location, so I feel I am home regardless of where I travel to be with …

Deborah H Rahalski

Window in the Sky

So fellow travelers, Zen moment framed by the trees at sunrise this morning. Yeah, I am up and out with our dog that early. Window in the sky First light bird songs remind us Seek another way At any given moment we can make a choice to respond differently. A slight shift in perspective can …

Deborah H Rahalski


So fellow travelers, challenges at work are on the rise right now. Mindful of the toll stress took on my physical, mental and emotional well being last school year, I’m striving to counter act it’s effects proactively. During my recovery this summer, I learned how significant simple moments can be and how important it is …

Deborah H Rahalski